Don't guess, test! Find out what supplements you really need with Micronutrient testing & Dietitian developed Customized/Personalized Supplement Regimen! This service is helpful for everyone!
Overwhelming scientific evidence confirms that vitamin & mineral deficiencies are associated with disease processes, suppressed immune function and the overall condition of one’s health. Standard lab tests do not assess if nutrients are properly functioning within the body, but with specialized micronutrient testing, we can help you find out and provide you with the guidance you need to correct any micronutrient deficiencies!
More reasons to test:​
You are not what you eat, you are what you are able to digest and absorb. Although you may eat a nutrient-dense diet, if you do not absorb vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and/or other essential micronutrients properly, you will have deficiencies.
Health conditions (thyroid issues, diabetes, fatigue, GI disorders, hormone imbalances, etc.) can all be affected by micronutrient deficiencies.
Excessive physical activity or inactivity, stress, medications, smoking, alcohol and poor sleep patterns all impact micronutrient demands.
Specialized micronutrient testing is the only test that can identify nutrient deficiencies at the cellular level so that we can recommend personalized targeted therapy to help replenish nutrient deficiencies.
In addition to correcting specific deficiencies that could negatively influence your health, you may find that your symptoms are minimized and you may have more energy and focus for the things that you want to do, which is priceless!
If you are not a patient of Protect Health, you can take advantage of this test by contacting us below using the Request for "Just Testing" form as we do offer a "Just Testing" Package for non-patients.